Time passes faster at your face than at your feet, according to Einstein's theory of relativity. The closer you are to the center of the earth, the slower the time passes and then the test is established and scientifically proven. This means that the year at the top of Mount Everest will be 15 milliseconds shorter than the normal year.
All the things we see are actually past, the strange fact is that the sight of the sun you see is actually a scene that happened 8 minutes 20 seconds ago.
Today is the period that the Earth takes to revolve around itself, in fact it is not 24 hours, it is 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.2 seconds, and the reason is that it is 24 hours from sunrise to sunrise, and the Earth is far from its orbit around the sun, and its change of place is what prolongs the day.
The planet Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, equals two days.
According to relativity, time passes slower as your speed increases, meaning if you go at the speed of light to star Cyrus and I return again, it will have passed on Earth 17 years and your age will have increased by only two and a half years.
The oldest thing on Earth is a 4.4 billion year-old crystal called "Zircon", which is 160 million years older than the Earth and was discovered in "Jack Hills" in Western Australia.
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